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Chances are you’re a friend of mine who I’m forcing to read my blog, but if you’re not and you’ve stumbled here by chance, allow me to introduce myself.

My name’s Maria, I’m 19 and I live in “The Garden of England”, also known as Kent (albeit in The Garden’s compost heap of Medway). I am currently studying for a BSc in Applied and Clinical Psychology, and I’m aiming to be a clinical neuropsychologist in the (hopefully) not too distant future.

I recently finished my A-levels and got straight A* grades – much to my surprise and delight! I have also been awarded the A-level and Scottish Higher Prize from the British Psychological Society for getting the highest A-level psychology grade in the country. So I’m pretty good at this academic thing apparently.

I’m a huge fan of motorsport, and have been competing in off road trials since the age of 13. Because of this, I passed my driving test first time (the driving test was the only exam that made me nervous – go figure!). I LOVE F1. Seriously. I will get up at 3AM to watch a practice session. To my immense delight, I’m going to watch a race IN PERSON in July – the German GP for those who are wondering. It will be amazing, and I’m hoping Sebastian Vettel wins (because he’s obviously going to be my future husband… Shh… I can dream…).

I mainly post about my academic life here, although whatever pops into my head generally makes it to the blog somewhere. Occasionally I’ll post something which is interesting to anyone other than myself – usually it’ll be a rant about the media or something to do with the Government. We’ll see.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading, and feel free to comment or whatever. Speak to you soon!

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