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One of the Quick Posts


Me again (obviously…).

So in my last post I stated that I would be 19 in three days – well, here I am four days later and I am now 19! I officially have less than one year left of being a teenager. My birthday was pretty awesome; I spent the day with my crazy family – playing Wonderwall on the guitar whilst my sister sang along was mental… Today I went to the cinema with two of my awesome friends to celebrate which was also lovely. I will also have another celebration in June to catch up with my best friend. Have it, Queen! I have more birthdays than you! That’s Queen as in our monarch, rather than the band by the way…

I my last blog I also discussed the Alternative Vote. Well, I voted yes as did all of my family and it lost by a monumental margin. Now, I don’t mind that AV lost – there are far better systems out there – but what I do mind is the fact that the politicians out there, rather than suggesting another voting system, will rather stick with FPTP than offer another reform. But hey, this is the country I live in – the politicians are crooks and the people are apathetic!

In lighter news, I have started a blog for my views on motorsport. I felt that this blog was a more general posting ground for me, where my more technical views of motorsport are perhaps out of place, so I’ve got another blog for these musings. I don’t really know who reads this blog (friends, make yourselves known and stop spying! 😉 ) but if you’re in any way interested in motorsport or Formula One then click the link here.

As I said, this is only a short post. I’m back to uni for a few days on Thursday (possibly Wednesday, I’m not sure myself yet), so it’ll be interesting to see whether my house is still standing or not… I’ll probably update you at some point!

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